Spoiler's History in the DCU
Real Name: Stephanie Brown Origin: With the criminal, the Cluemaster, as her father, Stephanie Brown would seem a more likely candidate for villain than hero. Intent on seeing her father brought to justice, Stephanie donned the purple and blue tights to plant clues to help Batman and Robin nail the Cluemaster and his gang. After helping catch him, Steph decided to hang on to the costume and the lifestyle a little while longer, more recently to allow her to get closer to the Boy Wonder, for whom she has a noticeable crush. More recently, she has become Robin's unofficial partner, spending many nights with him on the rooftops of Gotham. This naturally forced Robin to choose between his growing feelings for Steph and his relationship with Arianna. After deciding to call things off with Ari, Tim found himself dumped instead and agreed to "date" Steph, but only as Robin. She understood that his life as Tim Drake (though she doesn't know that name) is off limits, and she accepted those conditions. Most recently, however, just a week after beginning their relationship, she drops a bomb that the Boy Wonder might not recover from -- she's pregnant by her former boyfriend!! |